Counting it back, we virtually got connected exactly on the same day; when we had met for the first time after our separation. Seven years is enough time to start one’s generation. But anyway, it does not seem much considering the fact that we first met some 15 years back; when at that time I was not even 15 years old. He was probably 15 then, considering that he is 30 today.
Friends from my Business management school used to scorn me and my love life. Indeed it is difficult to imagine committing to a person without even meeting him once in past few years. Love has at times strange to show its affinity. Considering his track record of ditching me all the time, I really could not believe when he told me that he could drop me from Geneva to Paris. That is the reason why I did not cancel my rail bookings for the same journey. They could have been a backup in case he would have re-considered his travel plans. You never know work may appear any time to anyone. Considering it was my ex-boyfriend Matt, I had experience of seeing official work appearing like earthworms in rains from nowhere. Do not know why, but I could never believe that he could make an attempt to meet me. I had enough past reference to come to a conclusion like that. Such a thing had never happened in the past. Obviously, the event of its happening in real life did not cross my logical mind. Though logic tells me circumstances can change any time, so could people. All such thoughts had kept me worried, and finally I called him to inform that I would not be meeting him. I wanted to have my last word, was very scared to be left alone once again by the same person. As usual, I only had to pay the price for it. I kept weeping and weeping. I thought I had cleared my share of baggage guilt by telling my husband everything. I always knew he would have no issues. On our way from Lucerne to Bern, the entire conversation of ours had a very little mention of Matt. My husband was always generous in giving me my space. The entire journey I rested my head on his shoulder, his warmth was enough to make me forget entire failed plans of rendezvous with my ex – Matt.
But leaving from Bern to Geneva, my husband was not there to accompany me. He had a meeting with his client in Bern. I went ahead with my journey alone. The entire journey my thoughts wandered around him and only him. Luckily meeting old friends there, I quickly forgot all about him. Therefore, my journey from Geneva to Lausanne was a pleasant one. I happily slept all thorough the journey. The moment I reached Lausanne, fun had started. It was my sister’s wedding and for me it was all about fun. All through those days, it never struck me that I had spoken to my first love for the first time since my married life. As luck would have it, he called me again to know if I had changed my mind. How could I have said NO to the man for whom I had said NO to everyone in the entire world. After speaking with him, the entire day was spent in anticipation of meeting him the next day. I could not sleep the entire night. A partial reason to this was my discord with my father at the wedding event. Few relations always remain disordered; irrespective of being borne by blood. I did not let it alter my cheerful self, had enough experience of doing it. It was a short journey from Lausanne to Geneva; but still my exhaustion since last 2 days got me into a short nap. All the while I kept dreaming what I would talk to him. Obviously his call only woke me up at the exact time when my stop Geneva had arrived. It was my second visit in Geneva in a week’s time. I barely had anytime left to look my best; since, it was time to take the sweet revenge. Somehow since my teens it got stuck to me, that in order to make your ex feel like a loser, a happiest you is needed. Well that is what a sweet revenge is all about. I hurriedly brushed my teeth in the busy washroom at the station. A quick glance at my face made me notice a small pimple on my chin. I tried ignoring it, but the moment I saw my face again in the mirror, it seemed bright yellow in colour right at the centre of my chin. It seemed like the centre of my face, instead of one extreme end. I only thought of my concealer as a saviour. But to use it my face had to be clean. But I ran out of my face wash at the very moment. I closed my eyes in desperation for a solution; and there fell a sachet of a wipe pack by some young sales girls at the station. I heartily thanked them and their free samples distributing company. I carefully cleaned my face with it, concealed it well, and also perfumed myself. I was all ready to meet him. The first look at him felt like a striking blaze. Hard to admit but I was indeed conscious. That is something I have till date never experienced in my professional career as a celebrity manager.
I have handled press so many times but the walk from station to his car at the parking seemed like a ramp runway. I could then imagine what my girls go through when they face the lime light for the first time.
I saw him from a distance, as he was exactly where he described he would be. He had to be correct with his positions; he was working for a company that manufactured Global Positioning System tracking devices.
He hurried to get hold of my luggage; like a thorough gentle man.
I kept my hands from trembling. I had no idea what to talk; we kept it to usual formalities.
“Hello, how were you”.
“Hello, how are you, I am good” was his courteous reply.
It was difficult for both of us to take the conversation to any better. It was much better to sit in the car talking nothing. I told him that I had to reach Paris for a family wedding from my husband’s family. He asked about my cousin’s wedding in Lausanne. He said he liked my henna hands and red bangles.
I think with me sitting beside him in everything red, he must have imagined me to be his newly wed bride. It has always been a matter of pride for any Indian to be in a foreign land and flaunt his culture in a place totally alien to his own .Even if he was doing so, I had absolutely no issues. If he would have got few of his life long desires fulfilled that day, I was no one to feel bad about it.
He played some collections of love songs that he probably had carefully selected for this day. Or probably the apologetic and longing theme of the songs made me think so. Could have been a coincidence too, never know.
Nevertheless, those songs made both of us little comfortable for the moment to pass. We both did not know what to talk about; discussing music was the better conversation starter.
First hour of the 3 hour journey passed, with trivial talks. He was concentrating on the road; while my eyes were set on his clean shaven face. The lovely mark besides his left eye was unchanged. It was the same mark which had given me sleepless nights in the past. I preferred him doing the talking so that I could concentrate more on it. The cleft of his chin, fair and smooth collar bone, slightly visible through his shirt made me drop a spur of saliva. The thought of going for a visit to my in-laws made me gulp it back.
“Are you thirsty”, he asked to start a conversation.
“No, I am fine”
The next moment he offered me a chilled bottle of mineral water from his back seat.
He indeed came with all the planning. I was floored. Next on the platter was a cup of coffee at a plush joint at the freeway. But my heart was more for a road-side cuppa of black tea.
“Would you mind if we halt for a cup of coffee”, he asked me.
“No, not at all, but only if we could have a hot piping tea instead”, I answered
His seemed perplexed; I thought I offended him in some way. But he smiled and told me that he was also looking forward to have tea instead.
So, it was eventually 4 cups of tea that we had by then. Our destination was also just 20 minutes from there. I could guess that he was buying time with the cups of tea.
I asked him if we could leave, as I had to be at my mother-in-law’s house early.
He cleared the bill, folded the receipt and kept it in his pocket. He did not forget to tip the small boy who served us. The boy went away smiling leaving Matt happier than himself.
I knew the way to my mother-in-law’s house. I told Matt to drop me at the main road. He understood what was going on in my mind. He obediently did what I asked him to.
He took out my luggage from his car, wished me for my vacation and took my leave.
I also wished him luck for the presentation he was supposed to deliver for his new client. He told me about it some time back.
I turned back with my smiling face towards my in-law’s house. The expression on my face changed from a smile to a sob. Within minutes, the sobs turned to a hearty cry. I dropped my luggage and started crying in the middle of the road. I grabbed my phone in desperation and called Matt. He got anxious to hear me crying and asked me what had happened. I could not answer as my pain was huge, it did not let me utter a single word. The next moment I saw Matt, confusingly looking at me. He returned back, as he got worried hearing me cry. He had hardly travelled a few miles after dropping me. The very next moment I clinged to him. He immediately took his hands back as if I was made of a ball of fire. I stayed clinging to him for half a minute. Poor Matt must have been embarrassed in front of the on-lookers. I told him to get married soon, which is all I could wish him then.
I could not dare to look at him again; and I simply walked away from him towards my direction. I was taken aback to find my husband giving me a surprise at the door. I reacted by telling him that how come he arrived earlier since as per his schedule he was to join me later at Paris.
He did not answer me. His work must have finished early, I thought. I had enough experience of that as well. My husband always discovered ways to be with his wife, whom he loved the most.
He reacted by asking if the person who dropped me was Matt.
“You could have invited him home”
“How can you be so sure of that?” I asked him
He kissed me and said “No one else can make my wife cry.”
I could not believe my ears. I just got hold of my husband and kissed him back.
There I was kissing the person who I knew loved me the most.