Saturday, October 17, 2015

Share something you struggle with

Share something you struggle with
                                  Share something you struggle with

Struggle is synonym to every one living. It could be the only thing that binds us all.
It is not an easy thing to live with. A lot of lives turn to apathy in their course of struggles in life. 
I have met a few individuals who claim to never have struggled in life.  I am not sure if they have been speaking the truth. But it could be that they are not clear with the appropriate definition of struggle.
I limit the topic of struggle to my own life. 
On a daily basis, I struggle with a lot many things. To share the #1 would be my credulous nature. 
By stating that, do not judge me for being an entry level naive person. Though an advanced one would be an appropriate term.
I do not know how to define this well. But I can state an example to explain it better.
I tend to believe what people say and claim to be doing. I mean I do not even give a second thought to what they say. I tend to believe that they must be true to their words. 
This does not seem like a problem. But in the past I have stuck into sticky situations because of it.
I have believed people to be of a certain sort and ended up betting my cards on them. This has led to my loss.
Though today I have become a much better person in handling such situations.  But even then, it is something that I still struggle with.
I wish I would know of a device to scan people on their true self! 
May be then I could hope to struggle a little less.
Can you share something you struggle with  .....?

P.S 1: This post is inspired by a pinner, who has deleted content on their blog now.

1 comment:

  1. Scientists have developed body sca ner (x-ray)..brain scanner. Next up should be soul scanner. I bet most ppl will show money in soul scan..with their soul sold out for money.
    Right life's smooth. Struggle gonna begin shortly though.
