Monday, October 19, 2015

Post some words of wisdom that speak to you

Post some words of wisdom that speak to you
Post some words of wisdom that speak to you

'Words of wisdom' as a phrase is dependent on the phases of my life. Some words of wisdom I stuck to during my growing years of life. Though they dissolved by the time I grew up.

I remember sticking to the words - When character is lost, all is lost one to a pretty long time in my life.

I would want to know does anyone give a heed to those words anymore?

If I look at my life today, I do not go by any words of wisdom. Life has become more or less customized to the needs and situations at the moment.

Still, if I am supposed to list some words of wisdom that speak to me, they could be:

  1. List is the most important thing to build.
  2. Keep the design minimalist.
  3. Content is everything.
  4. I live to eat.
  5. Now or never.
It could be that I have some more words of wisdom to add to this list. Also, the #4 and #5 can be replaced with some other words of wisdom.

But this the list that I can think if right now.

Would love to know if you could Post some words of wisdom that speak to you

P.S : This post is inspired by a pinner, who has deleted content on their blog now.


  1. Those who waste time..Time eventually wastes them away.

  2. Even if you were not wasting time, time will eventually make a waste out of you

  3. :) True that but a "living waste" is far worse than waste.
