Monday, May 27, 2013

real funny events from my life - VI


Many a times I go through these bizarre moments in my life when I really come up with the words WTF. Seriously WTF. Just look at the picture that is attached with the post.

I mean is there a possibility of any other reaction than a WTF????

I mean how can someone from a business of lights and decorations can use such a name for their business.

OK. I give them a benefit of doubt thinking that may be the one who coined that particular name for their enterprise must have done ages ago and I also presume that that particular person must have been a really angelic, sweet and naivest kinds....but still why was ignorance so deep rooted even in their youngest of generations....???


Ah..this particular shop is located on the main road of a posh urban part of my city; and I pass by this shop at least once in 2 months, when I go to collect the rent from the tenets at my mother's place.

And every time I see the name of the shop in red big bold uppercase, I end up laughing out loud.

So, the last time when I was there, my friend Gaurav was also along. Obviously I showed him this, and we both decided to take a picture of it in order to update the World that India is also equivalent to (only in fake fantasies)

Yeah, Gaurav uploaded this to his facebook, and I did here.

Will be happy if even 2 people will smile looking at this post....