Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Write about something for which you feel strongly

Write about something for which you feel strongly
Write about something for which you feel strongly

I am an opinionated person and do not shy away from sharing my views. That is the reason I have this blog. I use it to write my views, insights and perceptions on things that matter to me. 
For today's writing prompt, I am supposed to write about something for which I feel strongly.
To be frank, there are a lot many topics that I feel strongly for. Probably one day I would consider compiling them all in an e-book. 
But for the purpose of this post, I am listing the top one. 
I dislike the disrespect of God. 
This comes as a surprise to people who know me. That is because I am an atheist. 
Even as an atheist, I do not approve of treating God that way. 
Just the other day, I saw idols of Ganesh god in a dilapidated state at a water body. It hurts me to see the idols of gods broken and thrown at the water shores.
The worse is to see people bowing down to those left over idols. I do not know, I find it a sheer hypocrisy.
I do not find a reason to show respect by bowing down to something that is left in a state of trash!
As an complete atheist, I get hurt to see that. Not sure how the religious devotees feel about it.
My feelings on this issue are quite strong. Moreover, I do not make any qualms about it. 
Anyway, I would like to write about something for which you feel strongly.
P.S : This post is inspired by a pinner, who has deleted content on their blog now.


  1. yes, a complete one. dont recall when was the last time I trusted him

  2. But atheist is one who doesn't believe in existence of God.
    There's a part of God in all of us..IMO. Trust that one..the one in you..even if you don't trust the one above.
