Monday, October 26, 2015

Bullet-point your whole day

Bullet-point your whole day
Bullet-point your whole day

I am a To-do list addict kind of a person. That is how I get to function myself well. I accomplish tasks on a daily basis through my To-do lists.
I do not know why, but I feel I get to focus better with listed bullet points. It is like saying that I get on to fulfill tasks one by one with listed points.
The bullet-point listing format allows me to focus on one task at a time. Moreover, with this format, I get a realistic scenario of what I achieve or not achieve by the end of the day.
Most of the writing that I do is in the bullet-point or a list format. For this post, I am listing my entire day activity in a bullet-point format.
  1. I reached Vadodara station at about 6 am this morning.
  2. I slept for about 2-3 hours.
  3. I reached for work at 10ish in the morning.
  4. I updated by personal blog with this post.
  5. I updated my client blog with this post.
  6. I updated social media feeds for my client.
  7. I updated my own social media feeds.
  8. I drank 2 cups of my favourite spearmint tea
  9. I shared highlights of my trip with colleagues.
  10. I did not feel the earthquake tremors, but informed all my loved ones about it.
So, this was my post on Bullet-point your whole day. I would love to know what was yours.
P.S : This post is inspired by a pinner, who has deleted content on their blog now.