Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts

Friday, January 6, 2012



This is one article that always keeps me connected to it. Not because it is in vogue to make fun of such characters, but because how in one statement the entire culture of a country can be revealed. By the way, by the mention of "that they want to first hold hands, then want all the declarations of love and promises of marriage", the country's so called value system is not personified. That for me utter non-sense, but the deeper analysis of which I have come to think is that Indian women always want a support. Had it just been moral and principles and value system and that blah blah...then those girls would rather never go around at the first place, leave alone the promises of companionship, love and marriages involved. (in any particular order).

Luckily that this real life bad guy spoke straight about his experiences, else I would have never reached to my conclusion. The security of a man, which includes elements of sub-security like the shelter, food is taken care of. And of course, clicking up with a rich one fulfils all the Maslow's hierarchy of needs from top to bottom. HAHA

So, going by the introspection after the analysis, I am still wondering which need exactly stuck me into this marriage trap?? Hmm he said he loves me a lot and will always love me. DAMN, now after so many years I am wondering was that enough a reason to get into this deadly trap??? God knows..
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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Marital Relations - IV

A young girl was bitten by the fashion fad of hair straightening.
Being a student, she did not have enough allowances with her to get her hair properly straightened at a hair salon.

She then approached her boyfriend to fund the same for her. Poor boyfriend had no other option but to succumb to his girl friend’s whims and fancies.

He started saving from his part-time job to gather enough cash to gift to his girl friend.
After some time the girl got the required amount of funds from her boy friend. She duly used the funds to get the perfect straightened hair that she was wanting since a long time.

Naturally, she was very happy after the entire experience, and went straight to her boy friend to show him her perfect mane.

She kept twisting and turning flaunting her sleek hair, the way probably a child would do with a new toy he would have been gifted on his third birthday.

Few minutes must have passed in flattery, when she suddenly realized that her boy friend had not been truly appreciative of her efforts in looking better, except for uttering “nice, nice” just a few times.

At once she started accusing him of being not committal and unappreciative towards her.

The moment her tears started rolling, the boy friend got nervous and ended up saying something in a complete fumble.

Boy Friend: “Oh dear, you look so lovely. Your hair is as flat as my pockets right now Oh, rather as flat as your chest. !!”

Obviously, they both never met after the conversation.

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Marital Relations - II

Every time after visiting his mother’s grave, husband used to shed a tear.

The entire drive back home used to be in silence, along with the company of his wife.

Years and years passed, but the wife did not find any change in her husband’s love for his beloved mother.

Each visit to the mother’s grave would bring tears to the man.

Moved by her husband’s devotion and love for his dead mother, she happened to ask him once.

Wife: “Darling, will you love me with the same intensity, as you do to your mother”

Husband replied: “Yes, love I would, why would I not”

Wife: “Promise??”

Husband: “Yes, that’s a promise!!”

Wife: “Will you even shed tears if I happen to die someday??”

Husband: “Of course, but I cannot promise if the tears would be of the same nature!!”

Friday, August 5, 2011

Marital Relations - I

A businessman’s educated wife once asked him why he was not willing to take her in his business.

She would often pester him with the question, explaining to him each time that they could work better together, and he can use her experience to bring his business to better success.

But he would always ignore her, and would leave her frustrated.

One day the argument on the same topic reached to the Do or Die situation.

That is when the husband explained to his wife, that marriage is more like the prepaid balance in your mobile card.

It is up to you to finish all the talk-time in a day’s time, or else use it minimally each day for a longer period of time.

The question of wife joining her husband’s business was never discussed again.