Saturday, August 6, 2011

Marital Relations - II

Every time after visiting his mother’s grave, husband used to shed a tear.

The entire drive back home used to be in silence, along with the company of his wife.

Years and years passed, but the wife did not find any change in her husband’s love for his beloved mother.

Each visit to the mother’s grave would bring tears to the man.

Moved by her husband’s devotion and love for his dead mother, she happened to ask him once.

Wife: “Darling, will you love me with the same intensity, as you do to your mother”

Husband replied: “Yes, love I would, why would I not”

Wife: “Promise??”

Husband: “Yes, that’s a promise!!”

Wife: “Will you even shed tears if I happen to die someday??”

Husband: “Of course, but I cannot promise if the tears would be of the same nature!!”