Saturday, October 10, 2015

List 10 Things that make you really Happy

List 10 Things that make you really Happy
List 10 Things that make you really Happy

As long as I can recall, I have always wished to be happy. Well all of us want to happy, but it is not always we bring it to our focus. I feel most of us as most of the times diverge from the goal of being happy. Rather in the pursuit of being happy, we end up doing stuff that does not make us happy.

I do not know what goes wrong, but most of the times I feel the definition of being happy gets distorted somewhere.

Since past few days I was just wondering to take a conscious focused effort towards determining what makes me happy. I think by doing that, I could achieve the goal of being happy in my stipulated left over life time.

So, I decided to make a list of 10 stuff that makes me really HAPPY. Here it goes:
  1. Being with my family for 2 days.
  2. Eating Smoked salmon marinated with spices.
  3. Being with my Uncle and Aunt.
  4. Eating Pomfret fry.
  5. Backpacking the entire World.
  6. Spending time at a beach.
  7. Writing.
  8. Reading.
  9. Swimming.
  10. Crocheting.

So, I think this list covers more or less the stuff that makes me really happy. This list might rearrange within itself, and leave away few stuff to accommodate something new. 

But till then, this is my List of 10 Things that make you really Happy.

I am curious to know what things make you happy. 

P.S: This post is inspired by a pinner, who has deleted content on their blog now.