Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Fertile Summers

It is needless to mention that it is cruel summers going on. Summers means high teperatures, humidity, thirst, deodarants, sweat, madness and of course the hot Sun.

But in the middle of all this, I have noticed something more, which I think is also a summery sign.

I am talking of something which I have been noticing since last 2 summers.

It is the fertility bit amongst the animals and reptiles.


Yeah during this time I notice a lot of young ones of geckos loitering all over at my house.

I think there are about 4 of them. No, I do not know them by their names, but I am sure that I have seen 4 kiddy geckos in different shades of brown.

Though I do get confused at times on their number, because I read it somewhere that these reptiles go through a color change and shed their skins. I think kind of auto skin exfoliation. So, it could be that there is just one, which I get to see over and over again.

But I really get worried for them cause they come in my way whenever I walk through my kitchen passage. I fear I might step on any (amongst 4) or that only one (if there is only one). And yeah there are more coming into my house because I noticed another pregnant gecko hiding behind one of my kitchen window's pane.

Now overlooking the kitchen window, there is the porch of my house. There also are some cute looking young babies. Time to move over from the reptiles, there are mammals from the feline category. Meow!!

Yeah, I get to hear that purr all day long. Thankfully, I know for sure how many are they in number. There are just 2 of them; and they are very very cute. In the porch we have my late father-in-law's scooter, which is kept as a memory. These kiddies consider it's seat as their private island. They play while comfortably sitting on it for hours and hours.

Many a times me and my husband spend some time watching those playful kittens, at many a times we also turn playful along with them and end up pouring water on them...LOL

Believe me that is so much fun. They get annoyed when we drench them without giving them a warning, and complain about us to their mommy whenever she returns home after spending all her day out searching food for her kiddies.

I really enjoy the summers when I get to see the young ones, although there is no young one from a human being in my house, so it is kind of fun to see any young one from any living being.

Will surely update if I discover more young ones from other living species at my abode.