Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Time has wings

It seems just yesterday when we both met for the first time in our lives more than a decade back. Gosh! how 12 years have passed I seriously have no clue. The very fact that I have no idea how these years passed simply prove that I have had more than my share of happiness all through this time.

I clearly remember that on this date back then I was in my first year of my graduation and had attended the Dance event at the Spic Macay event organized at the auditorium of my faculty. I do not remember what dance form was performed, but if I am not wrong it was Manipuri dance form performed by 2 talented danseuse that day.

Those days I had no good clothes to wear. So, I had borrowed my room mate's salwar kameeez and had completed the entire look by wearing glass beads earrings gifted to me by my beloved Rita aunty.

It was a purple colored bandhani suit and there were no proper shoes to go with it so I had worn my floaters with them. A dreaded fashion faux that I can never commit today. But those days I had no money to afford looking good.  I barely had enough clothes to wear a week without repeating any. (jeans not to be included)

After the event I had gone for a quick bite at a restaurant nearby my hostel. And that was the first time I met the man who happens to be my husband today. Though I am more comfortable calling him my best friend, a friend who has stood by me through all my ups and downs, majorly downs.

Many a times we hear that cliched phase "everything is in destiny", and on a day like today, that saying could not be more true. I do not know what my life had had been, if 12 years back I had not met him on this day, 5th of September, 2000.

Everything indeed happens for a reason. The significance of this phrase is apt in my case to the T. Back then in those days I was terrified of my life, had no clue what to do. Through all the upheaval I went through then, he always guided me to the right path, even when he was himself unclear of my decision of giving him a chance in my life. I was so damn pettily stuck with my life that I had no place for him or for that matter for anyone. In those times I never had thought of spending my life with him. Though gradually life took turn in the right direction, and I got stable in all the spheres of my life. Well as a matter of fact, I am rather doing too well today. I feel immensely blessed to pen this post today. I thank my stars for meeting him and being a part of him. All I can say is a big TOUCHWOOD.

The same place where we first met, 12 years back
Waiting for him to come home, then we will go out to have Chinese to celebrate the 12th anniversary of the day of our first meeting.

1 comment:

  1. GOD BLESS!!! Congrats dear! That's a heart warming love story...
    Wishing you to have several several anniversaries with him!!! :)
    Just like how you wore floaters with salwar on that day, I had a bad hair day and had stuffed my hair in a hair claw!!!! :)
    Came here blog hopping and liked your blog!
    Do drop by my blog sometime.
    And do follow if you like! :)
