Tuesday, June 5, 2012

When I was a kid

One really thinks a lot at the time he/she has no much knowledge of the World around them. I am talking of the times when one has just started exploring the World. The age when one starts relating everything with everything they already know. It is the age from 3 onwards that I am talking about. I was also of age 3 once upon a time. I too associated different notions with almost any prior knowledge that I had. Listing the few that I could recall.

1. I used to think that the every power tower that is somewhat shaped similarly to an Eiffel tower is indeed an Eiffel tower. I was proud of the fact that I had seen so many Eiffel towers in my life.
2. Since eating a gum would give a minty flavour, and that minty flavour was similar to a tooth paste, I would end up brushing my teeth with chiclets, which were the most popular gum during those years.
3. I would use the spring in the ball point pens as a mascara on my eye lashes; since the spring looked so similar to the mascara wand that my mother used to use.
4. I would accuse my new school of plagiarism, since they used to sing the same song that was my favourite from my kindergarten, I am referring to our National anthem. I used to think that this new school had no right to sing my favourite song from my nursery school.
5. I was in love with Spider man and wished to marry him whenever I would grow up. I loved the fact that he could transport himself from anywhere to practically anywhere. I used to dream of both of us being together and travelling and exploring the World together.
6. I used to marvel at the water beads that would form while I would water the plants with a hose; and I tried umpteen times to hold them, but could never do...
7. I used to have sleepless nights after gulping down any of the small seeds of fruits; like lemons. I used to fear that in few days a tree would develop in my body, and I would have images of me walking like half tree-half human.
8. I was fascinated with the permanent "cross" tattoo on the wrist of one of my mother's friend. I drew it on my hand several times before sleeping, and used to get disappointed the next day when it would be missing from my hand.

If I could recall more, I will add an update to the list.....