Except for these matrimony sites, I have accounts everywhere. Same user names and passwords everywhere takes me into the virtual flow of all the uber-chic websites of this age. Be it job sites, social-networking sites, professional networking, real asset, equity trading, forex trading, shopping, auction, and of course blogging.
But then why not matrimony sites. May be because the wave missed me. Been dating my husband for the years, the time when these Bharatmatrimony, Shaadi.com and the very recent simplymarry.com were not there. This simplymarry.com I feel is the best satirical and ironic brand in this vertical. How can one be just simply married. It is so difficult a thing to do. How well I remember 3 years back I developed such a cold feet plunging into one. And that when we both knew each other so well. Thank god that his was colder than mine. LOL.
The picture below in the red sari is exactly a year back. Simply comparing that to mine now looks so so different...And the one is white sari a year before that. And the blue picture some months close to the marriage time.
Just unbelievable how time simplyflies. Oh my God, that is some body else's tag line. Simplify. Yes, I recall that is Deccan Airline's fortnightly magazine.
Well coming back to the topic of lacking a presence in the Internet matrimony domain. Hm mm I thought a lot. Then I thought of catching the wave by logging on to the sub-segment in the same vertical. Yes, the second-hand marriage market.
The options were simply not simplysecondmarriage.com. No, of course not. Second marriage has to be more complicated. As per my research, the complications in marriage increase exponentially with each one.
Anyways, I thought of getting into the secondmarriage.com and marryagain.in. But I could not. Simply because change in marriage market is contrasting to the job one. You can post liners like looking for better prospects, better rewards.
Also, most importantly you can list your current partner's name and the gross benefits availed from him/her. LOL
And very importantly you need to be single and looking for someone. I read this somewhere on the net that people mentioning that they are separated get poor results. You have to be vacant to get into a new relationship.
Hm mm pondering all this, I gave up. And to make matters worst my current life partner is not there with me for our 3rd anniversary. It is such a big void without him. First anniversary without him.
What a phenomenon, when he is there I scare him to leave him any day, but deeply miss him when he is not there. Wish I always remain aloof to these first, second, third and last marriage sites....
I feel one is better off with the ignorance of these websites.
At some instances in life, a bird in hand is indeed woth 10 in the bush, may be a HAWK. hahha