Showing posts with label mumbai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mumbai. Show all posts

Saturday, August 24, 2013

tata library

It is rare to find public libraries in India. The general perception of the word public library would refer to an image of a dilapidated old monumental building which is approaching its due date of restoration. The insides of that building would contain dusted and musty interiors in which piles...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Amazed and Surprised

There are few moments in one's life when one is totally taken aback. One could be doing some activity regularly for many years, but suddenly that usual monotonous activity might turn out totally amazing one day. The experience of experiencing that activity, that very day, might turn out to be an experience,...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

real funny events from my life - V

Never knew that the posts in this series will lead till this one. This one is not so funny, but if one had witnessed in real, I am sure it would have made at least 2 people laugh. So, this was long ago when I was about to meet my sister-in-law at the time of my marriage. She stays in the U.S.A and...