Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Urgent Requirement for the post of Hitler

It is indeed required now. When it is general public, high intensity, when muslim locality, a low intensity bomb. Bastards talk of holy Ramzan and Pakistan, but it turns out to be the biggest irony.

Dont know what they achieve by doing things. I so wish there could be some real Hitler to suffocate all these muslims in a gas chamber.

Each and every muslim should be killed. I have lots of hope from the Modi. Though i am not in favour of any fundamentalist party, not even a Hindu, like the BJP. But now I feel they are required to brush clean these pests.

You muslims just wait and watch, in few years each and every uneducated Hindu will kill each and every Muslim. Since ages you have had the habit of doing all ULTA of ours, now we will show you how much ULTA of yours we can become.

I recall few which my nani used to tell me:

You wash hands till the elbow, we generally wash just the hands
You worship the moon, we the Sun
Your mosque is lower in height compared to the surrounding minarets, our temple always is the highest of the surrounding pillars.
You eat halal meat, we avoid that.
You eat cow, we worship cow.
We don't eat the holy animal cow, you don't eat the most filthy considered animal, pig.
But still your mentality is the dirtiest dirtiest of all.

The ULTA which is going to happen is:
Your educated population is becoming terrorists, or uneducated population will fight your terror and will wipe you all.

This blogger spell check reminds me to remove the abusive language, and also asks me to write the word muslim in capitals, i am never going to do that. Because the deep ingrained fundamentalism, and the philosophy that (Universe - Muslims)= Kafirs is your problem. Mark my word your own philosophy of considering yourselves and your KOM has only bifurcated you from the mainstream and labelled you with the term minority.

All over the World, muslims are in minority, wherever they go, of course except the muslim dominated geographies. The minority world in toady's context is only associated with muslims.

Wish i could be there at the time of your newborns circumcision, then and there i would love to chop your neo-natals, so that they don't grow up to kill any one's kid.

You bastard terrorist muslims, i hate you all.

My husband says my swears are not going to work, I just wish all of us take the responsibility to ignore and save our near and dear ones from being damaged by them.
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1 comment:

  1. wow! you really hate muslims don't you? miss aditi or whatever the hell your name is. let me tell you something, you don't know any thing about Islam. you never went through islamic literature. Never read QURAN. Your opinion is just influenced by the media which is committed to destroy Islam through negative propaganda. So i suggest you to do a little research before getting all flared up.
    Extremists are every where. They are in every country but in different shapes. In USA they may be found in streets holding guns smoking weed, firing at cops and rival gangs, raping women, mugging and stabbing commuters. What do you call them civilized and sophisticated gentlemen. HELL NO. they are extremists. Similarly in INDIA there extremist parties who every year make a planned messacare of innocent people. Sometimes they kill christians, sometimes Muslims and sometimes even hindus belonging to lower casts. Ok you may say its a good thing that they kill muslims and they should do that but what is grudge with innocent christians and lower cast hindus. You seem to have no problem whatsoever with those blood thirsty bastards. You do not hate them or criticize them as you do Muslim extremists. Bad people are every where and present in every society. But you should not base your perception of a whole society or religion based on a few black sheeps. Now based on a some extremist parties in india if i say that all the hindus are killers of innocent people and every one of them deserve to die an agonizing pain, would that be true? No, because not all the hindus are bad.
    Thirdly, you talked about killing innocent muslim childerns. Do you have kids? How would feel if somebody said that they wanna kill your kids in front of you just because they are hindus and that they would kill a lot of innocent people of different religions when they are all grown up. How would you feel? Are you gonna allow them to kill your kids? Or are you gonna say that not every hindu is the same. Not every hindu is a murderer. Not every hindu is a killer of innocent people. Similarly, if some Muslims are extremists, it doesn't mean all of us are the same. We surely condemn terrorism in all forms.
    I think you should apply for the post of HITLER. Believe me you're gonna do great. you are the best candidate with all those ideas of killing innocent childeren who doesn't even know what a religion is. I feel sorry for your kids and your husband who have to put up with a crazy bitch like you. i wonder what kind of a mother you are. My impression of you is that you do not have any opinion of your own. All your ideas are influenced by the media. You are mentally retarded and an extremist who wants to kill innocent new borns just because they were born in a Muslim family. You are Hitler in a women's body. Its people like you who are so busy hating other for no reason that they can't see anything good. It's people like you who are turning good people into violent maniacs. Its people like you who should be sent straight to Asylum and should be treated their for the rest of their freakin lives.
    And about calling us a minority, that really proved that your are a dumbass. Let me ask you a question here. How many countries are there in the world? Answer this and then answer how many Muslim countries are there? and How many Hindu countries are there? You'll know who is a minority in this world.
