Saturday, June 29, 2013

When the suffix changes from Goddess to Violence

I never wanted to talk about this harrowing incident. Though it does not effect me directly, but it does, and it does a lot if it to me indirectly. When I head this post as suffix changes from Goddess to Violence, I am talking of the word DOMESTIC.

If anyone of you is a fan of the celebrity and angelic good looking chef, the Nigella Lawson, then you will have an easy time guessing as to what I am exactly getting into.Yeah, she is the one who penned the cookery book "How to be a Domestic Goddess."

But unfortunately, in the recent series of events that happened in her life, she turned out to be a sufferer of domestic violence. Sad, it does sound and feel sad.

Just come to think of it, there is a woman who looks so good, is so sweet on the screen while presenting to her viewers her simple and delicate dishes, has gone through a series of tragedies in her personal life, and now she goes through a rough phase of being roughed up by her husband in the full view of public and media glare.

I know how embarrassing it could be. And yes, not to forget that her husband is not some uneducated, or psychotic waste in a society. He is equally famous and enterprising as his wife. He is the great Satchi, who along with his sibling started the World's most respected and note-worthy advertising firm, Satchi and Satchi. Though currently he is an art gallery owner and no more associated with the respective advertising firm.

All this takes me to refresh my memory of whatever I have had the fixed notions on wife beating husbands. Of course, as any individual goes by a hearsay or a little primary research (hope no one gets on this subject) on it, the prototype of such individuals or specifically men is quite obvious.

They are complete or semi substance addicts who generally in their not-so sober states of mind end up taking out their frustrations in the form of vehement physical abuse on their family, particularly their better halves. Moreover, they are the weak individual types, who are generally sadists, and actually feel better when they see another individual in pain and discomfort. Obviously, they cannot go out and partake in all the fights outside their own house, so they conveniently take up territories where their winning is confirmed, hence their wife and kids.

Pretty Simple.

Now coming to the females who are generally on the receiving end of domestic violence. They are generally the type who believe in suffering from bruises than having the guts to live alone as a single woman or a single mother of their kids. The ones who are not finally independent and depend upon their husbands for running their households are generally the ones who fall under this abuse undertaking kinds. 

But I am all confused to see my dear Nigella in this situation. For me she was the perfect woman. She has everything that a woman should be. Getting to her thread-bare analysis:
she is educated, comes from a good family, was successful as a journalist in her first career, seems to be a loving wife to her first husband(cannot comment on the current husband), who incidentally encouraged her to come up with food shows and cookery books; showed eminent strength as an individual when she lost her mother, sister and her husband to cancer; is self-made and pretty good at her second career as a self-taught chef; bakes lovely cakes and muffins (I have tried her simple recipes); and of course she not just looks pretty as an angel, but is booblicious too.

Come on what else that Satchi wanted from his wife who is almost 20 years junior to him??

Just do not know what to these MEN actually want??

A deep sigh !!!


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