Saturday, June 30, 2012

Review of Our Lady of Alice Bhatti by Mohammed Hanif
Brilliant. That is the word that came to my mind even before I had finished this one. If long back, one Alice took you to her wonderland, this Alice wakes you up and pulls you from the wonderland to her miraculous life of living and surviving as a Christian nurse in an entire Islamic country. The book is the fashion statement of our current feminist times.

Enough of those sad, sobbing stories of women, that sound more or less the same from all over the globe. This is the one with a difference, though difference is not in the style of adversity that could be meted out to any woman, especially to a woman from an Asian country; but the difference lies in the way she obviates them, or simply tries to.

The one particular incident of her assailing a man's genitals, who actually was trying to assault her made me keep the book aside and clap. And I did clap. The description of Alice's day to day routine battles of avoiding doing any act or move to divert any sort of molestation on her were remarkable. Like the phrase that describes how she avoids jumping the water puddles, and rather goes aside them, so that nobody see her legs being stretched, so that in-turn nobody gets a false invitation are simply brilliant.

This is the kind of story that depicts the state of women, especially the ones who are not Muslims in the Country. But mind you the narration is so filled with such unparalleled humor and brevity that you rather end up laughing on Alice's misfortunes than shedding a tear. You would not share her grief, rather her individuality and durability to mimic some in your own life too.

This is what I call an invention. A modern day weapon that women from all over would love to flaunt.

Though the only thing that I fail to fathom in Our Lady of Alice Bhatti is the writer. Having heard him in person I know that the man is pure genius. But how come he is so genius that he understands and interprets a woman, that too a reinforced battered woman so well..

P.S: A click on the author's image will lead to the list of all books written by him. For the particular book
mentioned in this post, you can follow this link below:



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