Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Things that I just dont get - III

Generally seen in the movies, it is a common knowledge that a boy goes madly in love after a girl, but when she is in all love with him after their first encounter of getting into each other, the tables turn upside down. From then on, it is the girl who goes crazy after the boy. When I was young,  I thought this happened only in bollywood movies. But then I grew up to realize that that was a common phenomenon to be observed in Hollywood as well as other European films too. I tried to use my brain to get an analysis on it, I figured out that probably it has got to do with the pattern of thinking that goes on in a woman's head for all her life. She just gets too involved and takes that man to be the host of her life, making herself a parasite in him. I do not know, but surely it has got nothing to do with financial or the emotional dependence. If that would be the case, then the Hollywood actresses would not be going in their states of depression when their husbands of few years departed them to be with actresses much younger or beautiful than their ex-wives. And of course their widely publicized states of depression are not rigged, cause few of them have even exiled from their rather successful careers. Then what exactly it is that changes the mind of each after the duo get into a mutual bliss ???

Well, I got the answer when I myself experienced it. It is just that women do not want to be regarded as whores. That is why they prefer to hold on to whosoever gets them first; and end up getting bonded to that one man with all the ties that they can manage within themselves. Well, they surely get labeled as one with a "loose character" the moment they switch to a new man in their life.  And this casual tagging does not apply to men, irrespective to how many number of women they go around in their lives. At the most they could be termed with mild scornful words like "flirt" or at the most a "womanizer". But the way men respond to these tags, it seems they enjoy these titles more than feeling bad or remorseful about them.

Well, what to do..I still do not know if surely this is the reason why women hold on to men who get after them; who lose interest in them just the moment they have her. Probably this is just the case of wonderful bait techniques applied by men or the simple stupidity that women of all ages and regions cling to.


  1. Well, the idea you've presented is an interesting one, and I think there is a lot of truth in the way you have described the difference between the way a man feels about finding a new relationship and how a woman might feel that she is seen as loose if she were to do the same.

    It's sad to reflect however, that this mismatching - if you will - could be a derivative of how we are taught through media, like in the idea of Celluloid Heroes (defined as a lyrical theme in a song by The Kinks as the "inhumane and exploitative manner in which the film industry can use its stars".

    Sure, there is truth in the fact that women are cast aside for those younger and more appealing, but we are also fed this idea through another type of trash media; magazines, which, from my way of seeing - and indeed confirmed within the very culture I live - is not a reality at all, but how the media would wish women to think or believe. And this is because while women are kept in this state of uncertainty, they (the media, and associated controlling powers) will always be able to market life to them on the basis of the lie of beautification; “buy this and all your dreams will come true”.

    In your world maybe, but not in mine. And although there is a lot of cajoling that takes place to convince women of this lie, the choice to believe it is ultimately up to them.

  2. Hi Eli, thanks for passing by and taking time to express your views. I agree to what you feel; in the end it all comes to an individual's school of thought, rather than what that particular individual has been exposed to. It does not matter much as to whether the external thoughts are enforced or the individual himself/herself clings to them.
