Friday, January 27, 2012

JLF - Day I

While waiting for the Mohammad Hanif session, I accidentally ended up attending to Sir Gulzar live. It was a blessing in surprise. Listening to him for an hour melted all my doubts about him not being a SARDAR. What a sense of humor. I was all floored. Next came my much awaited Mr. Hanif. He is indeed a sex symbol. Intelligent men with a great sense of humor sweep me away. I was taken aback the moment he looked straight into my eyes and said, "So, you are going to come up with your book??" I was speechless, no word could utter from my mouth afterwards.

Mr. Hanif and Urvashi Butalia

Mr. Tejpal, Shoma Choudhary  & Sunil Khilnani

a photo journalist took my pic

laal maas and steamed rice
Then came Mr. Sibal; I had no idea that people actually hate him so much. Though the man deserves to heard as a poet, sometimes. Finally another heart throb, Tarun Tejpal. Man, what a charismatic personality. Just looking at him I go numb in my skin. While listening to him I realised that he resembles my Ashar sweetie. Copper Chimney ,made me nostalgic, so I ditched it for the Handi and the authentically cooked "Laal Maas" made my heart melt. I am proud that I taught German chicks how to slap Indian irritating men while going back to my hotel on the first night at 11 pm.
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