Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Friday, August 12, 2011

Healthy Snacks

With the growing population and the growing pollution, there are many other cascading problems arising all over the globe. Many would agree that providing a healthy nutritious diet to the growing kids has been a perennial one. Scientific studies have proved that over the years, nutrition content from the raw food has been vanishing with time. That indicates that not just there is a growing dearth in the volume of food grown, but also the quality issues in terms of nutrient content of foods is also arising.

Statistics like these add multifold problems to the mothers who already have a difficult time ensuring that their growing kids receive a healthy nourished food intake. A strict regime of 3 rigorous meals in a day many a times is not enough. Mostly kids will have their lunch in their day-schools, to which most of the moms do not have a control. So, one is mostly left with the option of feeding a sumptuous breakfast and a dinner. Well, instead of gulping down kids with the nutritious food during these 2 meals, means of exploring more ways of rounding up the nutrients in other ways can be looked into.
The best way is to introduce a SNACK-TIME in the kid’s menu. The best thing about snacks is that it can be introduced in any time of the day, in-between meals and also in-between play time. To sound it a little good, it could be called a HEALTHY SNACK-TIME for the mothers, but for kids it should always be a snack-time. The trick is to make-up for the nutrients that the kids must not have made it during their customary meal times of breakfast and dinner.

The nutrients most important in the growing stages of life are calories and protein. Firstly, considering Calories, undoubtedly its intake is directly proportional to the amount or the volume of food taken. This analogy makes most of the mommies sad because the kids are always fussy with their intakes. In that scenario, feeding more in order to meet the daily calorie requirements goes futile. To deal with this issue, solution lies in introducing energy-dense foods to them. It can be easily and smartly done with the help of introducing BAKED-POTATOES in the form of healthy snacks. Potatoes are dense sources of carbohydrates that will meet up with your child’s energy requirements. The other healthy recipes that can also be included in the dense-calorie category include BANANA-SESAME PANCAKES and CORN TWIST to name a few.

Proteins are the body-building foods. For the over-all development of limbs and vital organs, amino-acids are required by the kids in their diet. Before moving on to the foods rich in protein content, a little knowledge is required here for the mothers to be more familiar of this nutrient. Proteins after ingestion break down to amino acids in the body. These amino-acids are the actual building blocks of the body. There are as many as 22 different kinds of them available. Thankfully, moms do not have to worry about all of them, only 8 of them are considered essential for the human form. Hence, moms have to be sure about including a whole bouquet of proteins in the food menu of their kids, in order to supply their bodies with all the essential amino-acids. Healthy protein rich snacks can be introduced such as the CRUNCHY SOYA BEAN SNACK, COTTAGE CHEESE PANCAKES, SPROUTS VEGGIE SALAD and TOMATO STUFFED with KIDNEY BEAN.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011


If you belong to the stronger sex, and still in your Early Adulthood, probably balding is in your worry list. Presumably, if you are through with your share of blaming it on your inherited Androgen; then wasting away your money in the camouflage tricks is the next viable option. But if you have still not reached your relinquishment, and do not mind trying the reverse-engineering route, then the pointers below are of some help to arrest the few strands left.

1. Boost your intake of Iron rich foods, with foods such as Green leafy vegetables, Soya bean, watermelon, raisins and pomegranate. Iron is an important element in the formation of hair.

2. Hair is a form of protein called Keratin. Hence, a Protein rich diet can be a savior. Best options are whole pulses, egg whites and cheese.

3. Biotin is a popular vitamin from the B-Complex series. It has a vital role in binding hair shafts together. Foods rich in this vitamin like dairy products, cauliflower and salmon also do miracles.

4. Zinc is also required for the synthesis of the hair strands. The foods rich in its biological form are legumes, nuts, pumpkin seeds, and oysters.

5. Unlike the above factors, ‘Stress’ and ‘Smoking’ are inversely related to the hair re-growth, but directly with the sudden loss. So, try your best to keep them at bay.


Hair responds to any stimulus after eight weeks. So if you have suffered illness or stress two months back, the resulting hair fall would be manifesting now. Similarly, if you start treatment for hair loss today, it would take at least eight weeks for the results to show. So, be patient and persistent.

If in any case it is difficult for you to include the vitamins and minerals mentioned here through your daily food intake, then ingesting multivitamins as a supplement to your diet can be an easy solution. Though it is convenient to pop a pill, but a prior advise from your family doctor would be advisable. You never know if you could end up developing an allergy or some malfunction due to them. But if things seems fine, then I recommend few of these.

                    B-complex with mineral Zinc                                     B-complex from a vegan source

Please note that one can use any of these to supplement the requirements of B-complex along with the daily diet. One includes Zinc too, so you would not require to have that mineral separately from another pill. The other one though does not include the mineral but the entire B-complex is derived from plants, therefore is completely sacred for vegans. They can then fulfill their Zinc requirements either from foods mentioned in the post or from a pill containing Zinc alone. 

Hope this helps, ENJOY !!

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Friday, March 21, 2008


It is getting so difficult. Tangles and tangles everywhere. My thin fine hair has all got tangled because I got them permed. Perming was done with the intention to make them look better on me. But see, now they have all gone bad.

The same is happening with my life now....

In the pursuit of more happiness, all fine things got tangled.

What to do now....

Well I can gift my hair to some birdy, she can make her nest out of that.

Chalo kisi ka to ghar bas jayega.....

P.S: Looking at this blog again today, I can add few more sentences to it, which are as follows:

The sub-category is indeed apt for this one. This one I wrote when my hair got badly tangled because I think I had washed my hair with conditioner, ..,what to do,these days the bottles are similarly packed, the shampoo one and the conditioner, so I got confused. And the funnier part was when I posted this one, the google ad displayed on the side bad changed to "Knotty Boy tangles remover, tried and tested on horses too..."LOL

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