Monday, June 17, 2013

when reel gets converted to real

I know the heading of this one comes as a strange surprise when compared to the general trend of the nomenclature of my blog posts.

It is because there is something that happened recently in some part of the World, is not in any manner related to me directly, but still ends up affecting me.

Without wasting my time your time and a lot of typing, I am coming straight to the issue.

I am talking or want to talk about the pretty young Bollywood actor Jiah Khan's suicide mystery.

Apart from being the usual and very common plot of being duped in love there is nothing really common here, and also a little more than that. I am trying to include in the disturbed/ broken family into this, but again that is also a world wide epidemic. OK, then what exactly I am getting into.

Well, what I am targeting here is not the woman who is no more now, but her very much here to be mommy, the Rabiya Amin Khan.

If one googles on her name, one could get to know that there is not much information about her before her daughter's death news flooded all over the media. And the post death of her child, there is only information of her revenge with the alleged suicide abetting boy friend of her deceased daughter and his family.

Now I am definitely not getting into the information that every news channel can provide, but my elephant's memory is up for some deja vu.

I am talking of the link between a movie that Rabiya Amin Khan had done in her younger days and between the situation that has created an apathy in her life right now.

I recall that movie from my school days. It was the one which had that popular song "bol baby bol.....rock and roll", and also it starred Anil Kapoor and Meenakshi Sheshadri in the leading roles. I do not recall the name of the movie, but I surely recall the contents of the movie, and of course there was Jiah Khan's mother in it doing a side character role.

Interestingly, the character played by her then was in the very similar situation to the one her daughter faced recently. She was also duped by her boyfriend, played by the Javed Jaffrey; who not only turns her preggy without a legal wedding, but also ends up killing her by brutally stabbing her with a big knife!!!

If you have read till now, you know what I am getting into. Who knew, or for that matter did Rabiya Amin know then that her character played on screen would be enacted in real in front of her own eyes and that too by her own blood. Sad, very sad.

This is what was bothering me so much since the time my memory and the recent developments in the respective cases clashed.

It is indeed sad for any person to go through such an experience. Wish she and her family gets to overcome all this around them.

And a little disclaimer, by posting this one, I am in no way prompting that any one or specifically any one from the Pancholi family has got anything to do with the killing of any life or to be very specific Jia/ Nafisa Khan's death, but the coming to the circle of the events and the similar situations made me come up with this one.

P. S: If any one of you gets to discover that decades old Bollywood movie that I mentioned in the post, do update me as well.