dont know when was the first time i saw you. I guess i was 11 then, was simply crushed after watching you in Dirty Dancing.
That was Bhuj about 15 or so many years back. That was a sneak peek at you. Mummy would not allow us to watch english movies then. My jaw fell seeing that lift. Used to envy Jennifer Grey so much.
Anyways my little sister in her urge to prove her crush more strong than mine managed to steal a poster of you in black and white from somewhere.
Though it was a little torn from the edges, she still was the proud owner of that coveted assest, which was worth only for the 2 of us.
So, it was stuck to the wall facing our bed so as to lay our eyes on him the moment we wake up.
Little did we know the next morning it would be torn to pieces.
Parents used to watch us once each night while we used to be asleep at midnight.
That night the poster of Patrick passed of as a gang of bats to mummy under the '0' watt red night bulb. Thanks to the village in the outskirts of Bhuj were we were living then.
Then what, mummy when could not shoo away the bats herself, called daddy also and they both thrashed you to pieces with blows from sticks. Ofcourse, when you fell down, they realised their folly and we both had to take the brunt for pasting you there.
Next morning there were just few ants stuck to the tooth paste marks where you were stuck till that night.
Like that night you have again gone from our lives, but never from memory.
Me and my sister(i am damn sure off) love you a lot.
Love you always...
Patrick Swazye